The Playbook

Poetry Reading/ Performing
Five poets and a moderator form a panel. Poetry and conversations flow.
Please send us three to five poems along with a short bio note.
If you are a performance poet, please send us links to your works.

Book Launch:
A segment dedicated to newly published books. We will help you launch it and join you in reading it as well.

An e-copy must be sent to SamyuktaPoetry. Please send in a Hi-resolution picture of the cover as well.

If your book is being launched, please note that a copy/ e-copy must be sent to the guest launching the book.

In the Spotlight
A segment meant for books already launched. Let us get together and discuss your book- what makes it special, the fragrances it evokes and sights it dreams of.

An e-copy and a Hi-resolution image of the cover must be sent to SamyuktaPoetry.

A panel of poets/ publishers/ editors/ blurb writers/ reviewers speak of their lives, livelihoods, passions and poems.

We also invite poets writing in languages other than English to participate in this segment and read their works alongside the translations or just in their absolute.

Send us an idea for a panel and we will work with you to realise it.

Poetics of Poetry
For books about poetry, critical readings, working papers, thoughts about form, formlessness, that black hole into which everything disappears. A general segment that reads into poetry and its nuances from a critical and philosophical perspective.

Send us an idea and we will be in touch to work in association with you.

Last date for expression of interest: 27 April, 2022.

All communication must be sent to with the subject Anantha and the name of the category that you wish you be a part of. If you would like to be part of more than one segment, please send us separate emails.

Sessions from the earlier edition of Anantha can be found on our Facebook page:

Looking forward to meeting you!
