Search results: "Prakriti Kargeti poems"

Prakriti Kargeti poems

Number Line Betweenthe wriggle of being and not being,I am happy. Not being is trickyand being is a possibility.All that is in beingis all that is not in not being.Yet between being and not beingI possess a void.Beyond it lies being,behind it not being. Whatever be or not be,betweenthe wriggle of being and not beingI […]

Katyayani poems

1. Fear Her A woman –she knows.All about cages.All about nets.All about factories. Ask her,ask her about cages.And she will tell youthe ecstasyof free flightin the infinite blue stretch. On being asked about netsshe’d start aboutthe dreamof being lostin the depths of the ocean. The mention of factoriesmakes her singsweet songs of love. Enigmatic are […]

Prakriti Kargeti

The urinary bladder explodes and I urinatehere, there, everywhere….There’s a saying,“Dance like no one is watching.Just like that….Pull down that zipper of shameAllow the fragrance todiffuse such that thenext eastern wind reeks of ammonia. These excerpts from Prakriti’s poem Peshab ki Thaili (Urinary Bladder) on public urination quite neatly describe the sardonic lens she turns […]

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